I’m spending most of today on planes, heading to Seattle and then SoCal for book business. Which puts me in the mood for something random. When I was young, my mother used to take us to [...]
Recently, the Wall Street Journal asked me to review Ken Ludwig’s new book How To Teach Your Children Shakespeare. I really, really wanted to like this book. And for the first few chapters [...]
And this brings us to the hype. Given that Real Marriage isn’t all that different from scores of its predecessors, you might think that Thomas Nelson would have trouble marketing it to [...]
I realize that I’m more often using my public Facebook page to make brief notes about reading and random thoughts…and as most of my energy has ben going into the History of the [...]
I’m halfway through reading The Courage to Write: How Writers Transcend Fear, by Ralph Keyes. For me, reading “how to write” books is more of a stalling technique than anything [...]
Time for my periodic review of what I’ve been read over the last few weeks. As with my last (somewhat long ago) book review roundup, this one is weighted towards fiction; I’ve read [...]
Still immersed in piles of “social media will bring an end to civilization” books in preparation for those Vancouver lectures. Still unconvinced, although I’m accumulating a [...]
In preparation for those Vancouver lectures I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m working my way through a raft of books on technology and society. Which means you’re going to hear [...]
In preparation for lectures I’m giving this fall in Vancouver, I’ve been reading a lot of “death of the written world/Facebook and Twitter will bring and end to Western [...]
I’ve been on a random fiction jag for the last few weeks; I’m reading so much Renaissance history that I feel the need to balance out my mental diet with a side dish of stories. I [...]
Some interesting titles on this list: I’ve only read one of them, but intend to look up the others. There’s a little bit of wrestling with genre definitions in the news article that [...]
I haven’t posted an update on my reading for a while. Actually I haven’t posted anything lengthy for a while. I’ve been submerged in researching, editing, and keeping up with [...]