• Sick, watching I Am Legend for comfort. Nothing like huge global catastrophe to make cough/itty-bitty fever completely irrelevant. OR IS IT? #
  • Turns out that when a medieval chronicler ascribes someone's death to "colic and infected piles" he probably means "amoebic dysentery." Eww. #
  • ‎101-degree fever and still writing. Medieval church law makes a LOT more sense when enhanced with a few extra degrees of heat. #
  • Listening to Vaughan Williams while sucking down hydrocodone-chlorpheniram cough syrup. Whoaaah, dude. I can see the universe breathing. #
  • I am now unfollowing anyone who posts more than 10 X-Factor related tweets within an hour. People, if I cared, I'd watch it. #

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