- Eating potato chips for dinner. This is usually a subtle, hard-to-discern sign of an out-of-balance day. #
- Just finished watching pilot episode of "Once Upon a Time." Very entertaining. What can I say, I'm a sucker for backstory. #
- Just killed a massive cockroach with the Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Thanks, Penguin Classics. #
- Will be interesting to see if this takes off: Coming Soon! – WAE Network : http://t.co/uRP7XF0K @WAENET #
- Heading out to school the horses at dawn. Which would be more picturesque if it weren't quite so pitch black. #
- Frost warnings!!! #
- Have picked about twenty pounds of basil out of the fall garden to save it from the frost; making lots and lots and lots of pesto tonight. #
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