- And my croquet losing streak continues. On the other hand, getting stung first means I get to go sit in the garden with my laptop. #
- This history of Spain says that Charles I died of "fatal malaria." Well, yes, if he died from it, I guess it was. #
- Same chicken has been exulting over new-laid egg for, oh, half an hour. I should go out to the chicken house and see this wonder for myself. #
- Last night I had a long and incredibly complex dream about dried fruit. #
- Imagine my shock: http://t.co/Pp7A95C. #
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Fatal malaria, ha! That reminded me of something from medical school. We were supposed to remember pellagra (niacin deficiency) by the “four d’s”: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia and death. It always struck me as odd to list death as a symptom. As if a doctor would see a corpse and say “Ah, death…it must be pellagra.”