• Eating frosted chocolate cake and Havarti cheese for lunch. A sort of culinary stress marker, that is. #
  • DS14 went to ballgame right after church, neglected to free enormous German shepherd from kennel. Shepherd, freed by DS17, now in my lap. #
  • Did I mention enormous? #
  • And smelly? And needy? #
  • And once again my budding Seafarers of Catan empire has been rudely smashed by the local land-grasping tyrant (aka Pete). #
  • DD10 thinks Christopher Paolini is the greatest writer ever. Buying the audio of Brsinger because it is her greatest desire. It…hurts… #
  • Signs of spring and incipient heart failure: Enormous black snake, curled up in front of my office door. #
  • Finally cleaned out my office…because my assistant refused to take "Spring Cleaning" off my calendar and also bribed me with food & drink. #
  • Writers, want guidance? Watch Syfy Original Movies. Protagonist! Conflict! Outside complication! Crisis! Decision! Romantic Complication! #
  • Pollen. Argghhh. #
  • Just dropped DS17 off to spend weekend w/DS19 at college. Watched them charge up the dorm steps together and had a serious Old Lady moment. #

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Showing 4 comments
  • Lisa

    I am a ‘new to home schooling’ mom and would like to teach world history. Your series intrigues me, but I was wondering if it is written from a ‘young earth’ perspective or other wise?

  • Amy

    I know what you mean about Paolini. Eragon inspired my dd 11 to write her own novel, but unlike other books the kids love, I made it through the first book, barely.

  • Kathy

    It seems that Catan brings out the worst in grasping tyrants of all sorts! We have Settlers and Cities & Knights but haven’t tried Seafarers yet.

  • Janice in NJ

    Dd had a case of Paolini-itis here too. I’m not even a writer, but it hurt. Why is that? Probably grows from the same moral failing that causes me to crave a fast food burger once in a while. But she seemed to thrive on a diet of Paolini for almost an entire pre-teen summer. A head-scratcher.


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