- I adore my husband, love candy and dates, am a big fan of glorious meals out, and resent being told that all this MUST coincide on Feb. 14. #
- Starting to book flights for the spring conferences. Suddenly looks like a whole lot of time in airports. #
- So JetBlue no longer has direct Richmond-NYC flights. Nice to find these things out. #
- Heard from downstairs: "Emily, come pick up your eyeball. I'm tired of finding it on the table all the time." #
- I usually have a motherly duty to watch when a kid yells, "Look at me!" But I have no obligation to watch when kid yells, "Look at the dog!" #
- Today's experiments in gnocchi-making have yielded mixed results. #
- If the third floor DOES blow off the house while I'm in it, I hope I don't end up in a world where everything's black and white. #
- Reading about Starbucks (I like business books). Fascinating topic, but breathless gee-whiz style is annoying. Suggestions for better book? #
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Business book suggestion:
“When Giants Stumble” by Robert Sobel. An interesting look at the demise of some (once) great American Companies. A quick read, nothing really heavy, and insightful.