This past week, we’ve been wrestling with the next Peace Hill Press catalog–the one that lists books which will come out between September 2011 and February 2012.
When I write a book for Norton, I turn it in and Norton decides on the publication date; I usually end up writing my own catalog copy, and for this series I’ve been suggesting cover paintings, and the manuscript and galleys come back multiple times for corrections, fact-checking, index-reading, etc. (Glance back over my 2009 posts and you’ll see how this worked for the History of the Medieval World–for example, galley-reading, flap copy, etc…) But that’s only a small part of getting a book into the catalog. For our own catalog, we have to design each page, write all the copy, supply all the publication information, show how the books work together, arrange the pages so that someone unfamiliar with the books can understand the overall pattern of the curriculum…and supply cover images.
This last is the most time consuming, in part because we’re sometimes creating covers for books that are far from finished. Our February 2012 titles, which have to go in this catalog, are a full year away–so we’re taking a little bit of a shot in the dark with some of our covers.
However, I’m thrilled with the covers for the new catalog, and I wanted to show them to you. Thanks to Mollie in our office, who did yeoman’s service pulling these together, as well as our wonderful mapmaker Sarah, who jumped in to help out with covers on short notice.
So here are the covers of the Peace Hill Press new releases in language arts.
First, the first volume of our core writing series, designed to be started any time between fifth and seventh grade (student book first and parent book second):
The first volume of our grammar series, for the same grade level (note only ONE book for this!):
And our creative writing book, which can be used as a supplement to Writing With Skill (WWS focuses on expository writing) or…just for fun.
I’ll be providing more information (release dates, excerpts, etc.) as time goes by.
WOW! I knew about the 5th grade writing, but new grammar and creative writing programs, too??? Yay!
I’m so excited! Thanks for sharing these covers. 🙂
It is a huge undertaking, isn’t it?
I love the colorful covers!
Awesome!!! Thanks Susan!
Oh yay! My oldest is in fifth grade this year and we’ve been floundering with our grammar lessons since finishing First Language Lessons last year.
Oh. My. Goodness…they are BEAUTIFUL! I cannot wait to use them all with my children, who are already benefiting so much from your products. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Wonderful news. I would love to hear that these will available for the summer months! Thank you for providing books on expository writing for middle schoolers. Can you hear my sigh of relief?
WOW, they look amazing. I can’t wait for them all to come out.
Oooh–can’t wait to see them! I, too, have a fifth-grader, and we miss First Language Lessons.
Only one book for Advanced Language Lessons… is it a TM only, or is it written to the student?
I can hardly wait for the writing with skills books to come out. I am eagerly awaiting their release.
Those are gorgeous covers. I love the WWS covers with the little references to all the great excerpts from good lit and non-fiction that we’ve been seeing in the beta test.
I didn’t quite realize these would be two separate books. I’ll keep that in mind as we’re writing up our comments (which I’m probably behind in, given moving and the holidays).
And the creative writing cover rocks, with the suggestion that creative writing is, well, creative as well as messy and fun.
Very nicely done.
The covers are beautiful Susan!!!! I hope, hope, hope WWS is still on schedule for September. It’s going to be just what many of us need!
Thanks for working on the grammar program. Looking forward to the release!
Hurrah! My son will no doubt appreciate the cannonball splashes on the writing book. 🙂