- Family day today: off the grid. #
- It would be way easier to go off the grid if business problems didn’t hunt you down, Terminator-like, and shake you around by the throat. #
- Would be quicker to assemble a Works Cited page if publishers didn’t write publication years as MCMXIV and MCMXXXV and MDCCCLIII. #
- Wrote this morning. Took kids to lessons this afternoon. Wrapped up day with three hours at Water Country. Seemed like a good idea… #
- You’d think that “Why was the Count of Anjou so important?” would be an easy question to answer. #
- There must be a good reason why I wrote “Wittig” on the back of a hair salon appointment card and stuck it into the index of my thesaurus. #
- Getting ready to make two kinds of fudge simultaneously with large and enthusiastic 12 year old son (taking deep breath before the plunge–) #
- The fudge is very good, and I need a bath (so do my clothes). #
- Heading off the grid to write. Mostly about feudalism. #
- Fulk the Black was not a nice man/He had his little ways/And sometimes no one spoke to him/For days and days and days (apologies A.A. Milne) #
- I’m thinking now that the lavender nail polish is a bit much, even for toes. #
- Business meeting by the pool: dogs go in water and shake all over laptops. #
- My children are all singing “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” Complete with echoes. “Wisconsin!” ( “Consin!) “Fitzgerald!” (“Gerald!”) #
- Contemplating what to do with a fifty-acre field: Would like to grow hay. Might be one of those “seems like a good idea” moments… #
- Peacefully writing about Almoravids while all five dogs go berserk outside my chicken-shed office. Might be a skunk. To look or not to look? #
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Hi Susan
I’m off on vacation next week with my daughter, wife and The History of the Ancient World. I’ve read quite a lot of texts on ancient civilizations but few of them have engaged me like your book. I really like the way it’s broken down into short chapters because you can pick it up again without losing the plot.
I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to read some of the classics. After reading your book (the well-trained mind) and, your article “stop cleaning the kitchen and read a book” I have decided to read them. The only “classic” book I ever read was “The Great Gatsby”. I don’t really consider it a classic…but some do. It was the only required reading book I ever read in high school. Seriously, I don’t understand why they let me graduate high school. Anyway, also wanted to ask, which classic should I try first? I was thinking Homer’s Iliad….what would be your suggestion?
Sorry to post this on here…but I couldn’t find an email to send this request.
Thanks for your time,
I did find a couple online Roman numeral converters. Maybe you just need to download one to your writing computer and keep handy in the background.
Or low tech, assign one of your kids to make you a conversion chart in the range of dates you see most often. It’s probably not more than 100 numbers.