The History of the Medieval World has just appeared on Amazon! This always makes the book seem much more real to me…despite the fact that there’s still production work to be done.

In other book news: the third edition of The Well-Trained Mind (the tenth-anniversary edition) is now shipping from Peace Hill Press, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers. Weirdly, it’s not shipping from Amazon yet. Who can say why?

I’ve got two more titles upcoming: Workbook 3 and Workbook 4 in the Writing With Ease series, completing our elementary-grade writing program and due out in August and January, respectively.

And after that, I’ll let you know. I’ve been working at a completely ridiculous pace and it’s time to carefully plan out the next projects. And read some novels. And take the dogs to obedience training. And do all the paperwork for the new wetlands in the front field. And paint the barn. And…

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  • Kristine

    I am super super excited to read this book now! I’m currently reading The History of the Ancient World which I am hopelessly addicted to, and can’t wait to read the next installment.

  • T

    I have to wait TEN months for the Medieval book!!!???? ARGH!

    I pre-ordered it anyway 🙂 While I was at it, I preordered WWE3. So can you tell us what projects are next publishing wise? I have a 2 year old’s schooling to plan out for 13 years. The older two already use your stuff!

  • T

    Plus, I am counting the days for amazon to pop my new Well Trained Mind in the mail. It’s like waiting for DIsney World when I was twelve, and yes, that IS a compliment!

  • Susan in TX

    I’m continually amazed at your writing pace – actually at your life pace. My youngest and your youngest are the same age, so I’m selfishly hoping that you continue with the writing series as they age. 🙂

  • MJ in Georgia

    Yes, I too am waiting for WTM to show up from Amazon! I can’t wait. Susan, I have to tell you this….my husband, who is a MIG pilot (yes, seriously!) and who has never been much of a reader, picked up my Ancient World the other day and is reading it! That is a huge compliment to you and your writing style; it is so accessible. btw, my husband’s air show web site is if you want to check it out. His call sign is Cujo. 🙂

  • RE: the HS-ing books…. thank you, Susan! Thank you from the bottom of my “this is *exactly* what I was looking for” heart!!


  • Jeanie

    Woohoo, Susan! We are doing wkbk 1 and 2 of your writing series in our house right now, and we all LOVE them. I am so excited that we can get the next two over the next year. They have been an utter lifesaver to me. We love your mom’s grammar program, too. We’re doing levels 1 and 3 of it. You are wonderful! Thank you so much for all your hard work. You are making homeschooling do-able for us.

  • Deanna Martin

    Woo-Hoo! We just got Ancient World and I haven’t been able to even look through it because my daughter confiscated it. Actually she cried because she thought I wouldn’t allow her to read it until she gets to ninth grade (she’s in 8th right now). The WTM was a god-send to us this year. We cyber schooled for many years and went independent this year; floundered around for a while until I read WTM and now we are gradually switching over. She also wants to do year round school – Yikes! I better get working. I’m also looking for something for my 2 year old, if you have suggestions 🙂
    Keep up the good work, but relax and take a break. Enjoy your children and the springtime weather.

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