As a follow-up to my July post about possible cover images for the upcoming History of the Renaissance World, may I present…Norton’s suggested cover.
I love this cover.
I love that the designer chose to use “The Triumph of Death.”
I love the contrast between the image and the happy word “renaissance,” because that’s the contrast I kept finding as I wrote.
I love the colors, which are related both to the painting and to the first two books in the series.
Can’t wait to see the book.
Of course, I have a ghastly amount of production work to do before that happens. But I can still look forward to it.
Showing 19 comments
Awesome choice! Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for all your incredible work.
I love it, too. It’s exciting that they went with “The Triumph of Death” (which I believe I voted for).
And after all, there’s no rule that says ghastly amounts of work can prevent you enjoying the moment.
I looks great, can’t wait to read it :)!
Hello, Mrs. Bauer! I’m a junior in high school and I used “History of the Ancient World” and “History of the Medieval World” for my freshman and senior years. I absolutely loved both these books– the writing style was clear and engaging, the history was vivid, and the value was indescribable! Those books made history so enjoyable for me. Thus, I was very disappointed when I found out that I would start my junior year before “History of the Renaissance World” would be published.
Thank you so much for writing these books and gifting the scholastic world with such a gem of literature. I’m hoping and praying that “History of the Medieval World” will be available by me second semester, but even if not, I plan on getting the book simply to read!
Looks great! I love how the red makes it stand out. Great cover. :o)
Reading Deansley’s ‘History of the Medieval Church’ right now. Evans’ ‘Medieval Theologians’ next. Then a bunch of primary sources. Can’t wait to read your volume with my daughter!
Excellent, Susan: It’s beautiful!
Bravo! I am SO pleased that you got the result you most wanted. I’m glad your publisher didn’t balk at the grittiness of the image. As you said, death was the overarching theme of the period covered by this latest volume. As for the juxtaposition of the lofty, buoyant term “renaissance” with the base scene of carnage- you’ve done it before with just words. I well remember being taken aback when you described the vile underbelly of 5th century BC Athens.
Perfect cover
I agree…fabulous cover.
Oh wow! I can’t believe they went with the painting you wanted! That is so cool. Can’t wait to see it IRL.
Zowie! Splentastic cover. thanks for sharing.
I love the continuity with your other two books, and it fits in with TWTM covers, too. We could call this cover “The Triumph of Susan Wise Bauer.” Congratulations!
Congratulations, Susan!
Great cover, can’t wait.
Wow! Perfect.
Can’t wait to see the book (in spanish)
Your cover looks so nice. I look forward to having my own copy. I am using your book History of the Ancient World to get the back round for teaching my son Ancient Civilization. It is very easy to follow and very well written. You have put a lot of hard work into the book.
God bless you!
Another great cover! My kids and I are awaiting publication—we love HAW and HMW.