Here I am, in the first week of October, getting back to work. Monday was our family day off, so yesterday was my first actual day to go down to my office and confront the History of the Middle Ages.

So I did. Sat down, started to work out where to begin again (this took a while), had an idea for reorganization, reorganized, then realized that I needed to go back through and re-order my maps so that they would be in the correct order. (I can’t write history unless I know WHERE everyone is.)

Did that. Fixed inconsistencies in my recounting of seventh-century Byzantine monarchs. Recorded the deeds of the great Bulgarian warrior-king Krum. Printed out lists of the Bulgarian kings who followed him.

Need to write about ten thousand words in the next four days.

Will let you know how that goes.

See, this is the basic problem with writers’ blogs. If you ACTUALLY record what you do, you end up with a whole lot of posts that say, “Today, I sat in front of my computer.”

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  • Anita

    If it will encourage you, my daughter and I are reading The History of the Ancient World together for her 9th grade History. So we are looking forward to your next installment.

    May that doesn’t encourage, maybe that puts more pressure. Ummm, I need to thing about that.

    Happy Writing, will pray that the word flow easy for you today.

  • Lori

    Well, at least it’s progress. We used to say, “Today I sat in front of my typewriter.”

    I’m glad you had a good break. You’ll do better over time.

  • AmyL

    “See, this is the basic problem with writers’ blogs. If you ACTUALLY record what you do, you end up with a whole lot of posts that say, “Today, I sat in front of my computer.””

    Yes, but this gives your readers a chance to cheer you on. So yay! hooray for writing! keep up the good work! You can do it!!!

  • Meredith

    Well, I always thought that Krum was most famous for killing the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros I in battle and then turning his skull into a drinking cup. Nikephoros probably deserved it though, since he picked a really stupid place to make camp in the mountains, between a river and a swamp. Duh.

    Hats off – you really have chosen a totally fun job!

  • steph

    Hey Susan-
    We, who reap the benefits and joys of your discipline, gifting, and HARD work, wish you EVERY blessing as you hop back to it. thanks for all you are, and all you do.

    A fan. 🙂


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