No, I don’t think so

Today’s New York Times ran this article: “In Tough Times, the Humanities Must Justify Their Worth.” (If you’re a Times reader, or are willing to register, you can click on [...]

Week 7’s book: Pattern Recognition

Book: Pattern Recognition, by William Gibson Grade: B+ When my brother found out I was doing the “52 Books in 52 Weeks” challenge, he sent me a list of novels he thought I’d [...]

PROSE Awards

Just found out that The Art of the Public Grovel was recognised by the PROSE awards (The American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence) in the Cultural Studies category. [...]

Why can’t I remember this?

And the edits continue… I wrote, “In a fierce, epically bloody battle, the Korean soldiers surrounded and decimated the Chinese troops.” My editor writes, “Decimated, as [...]

My favorite editorial notation so far

I’m trying to get the History of the Medieval World into final shape by the end of February; my editor at Norton has been sending MS back to me in chunks with his notes, and I’m going [...]


I have finally nerved myself to tackle the edited manuscript of the History of the Medieval World–which is a good thing since I’ve just learned that it needs to be back, with all [...]