This last week, I finished editing a manuscript that Peace Hill Press will be publishing next spring.
As you can see, I’ve put on my editorial hat and done to this MS what my editors have done to me–flagged every problem with a yellow sticky and returned it to the co-authors so that they can clean it up.
Anybody remember the photo of my ancient history manuscript, when it came back from the proofreaders?
It’s quite satisfying, in a very unsanctified way, to do to others what others have done to you.
Only a brief update this week because I’m getting ready to do something I haven’t done, literally, for YEARS–I’m taking some time off work. The history of the ancient world is in production, the dissertation is in my advisor’s hands, my desk is clear, and tomorrow is my birthday. I intend to sleep late and then lounge uselessly around the house. The day after that is my oldest son’s birthday; he asked to go to New York, for his present, so at the end of the week he and I will be up seeing the Statue of Liberty (which I’ve never gone to see), the Empire State Building (which I have), and other such sights. Will report on the trip when we get back.
A very Happy Birthday to you, dear friend!! I hope you have a fabulously wonderful time in NYC! How very exciting! Are you going to catch some neat shows?? Be sure to tell us all about it!! 🙂
LOL!! I’ll admit to a similarly unsanctified feeling when I hand back graded papers. After all those papers *I* had to write. . .
Happy Birthday, and enjoy your break.
Yay! Good for you! And happy early birthday…
Happy Birthday to both of you and have a great time!
It isn’t quite fair to leave us hanging like that: What is the book that PHP is publishing?
HAPpy Birthday! (said like Frosty the Snowman)
Have a great vacation. You deserve it!
I’ve never replied here, but I am a faithful reader, not only of your blog, but of all the SOTW books and The Well Trained Mind.
My birthday is tomorrow also (39). Enjoy a well-deserved rest and vacation!
Happy Birthday Susan!
>Looks like more language lessons to me!
Happy birthday, Susan!!! (A long-time fan.)
Have a happy day. Enjoy NYC…I’ve never been.
Dear Susan,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, my friend, and to that oldest son of yours. I hope you have a great time lolling around and traveling to the Big City.
(-: Diane
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Enjoy your day!
I love your DS’ idea of going to NYC — I turn the big 5-0- next Monday and just suggested to my boys that they take me there for the day. I haven’t been to NYC since I was 14yo.
Have FUN!!
It’s my birthday too! What a coincidence! Have a great trip!
Harmony Art Mom
So what did you get for your birthday, Susan? I hope you and your son have had wonderful celebrations, and that you thoroughly enjoy your trip! Please tell him that friends in Texas wish him the very best on this special day. I’m so glad to hear you’re getting a break. You deserve it! Enjoy yourself and please report back with pictures and details!
With love,,
Your friend, Robin
(who ate chocolate in your honor yesterday!)
Hi, Mrs.Bauer(Um, do I have to call you Susan? ‘Cause I’m only 13 years old.) My name’s Christi and I’m a South Korean. I’m not very good at English, so I hope you can understand my bad English.
I’m a faithful reader of your ‘The story of the world’. I read the book(the story of the ancient world, I think), and I found a mistake in the book. In the section of calligraphy of China, you wrote that the people of China was first to do a block printing. But it was Korean people to do a block printing first. (Called Kumkangkyong in Korean pronounciation) was printed in 868, in China. However (Called Mugujunggwangdae-daranikyong in Korean pronounciation, →I’m very sorry- I think it’s very hard for foreigners to pronounciate that word properly )was printed in 751, in Silla(It is a name of Korea at that time)by block printing. So it means Korean people did a block printing 117 years before China people did it.
I’m sorry I wrote the comment so long, but I thought I have to inform people who does not know Korean history very well. So I
ask you to study Asian history and culture more and let many people know that Korea is a nation with high level of culture.
Thanks for reading this long comment(?) and again, I hope you understood my bad grammer. Um, will you send me an e-mail when you read this comment? If you send me a mail ([email protected]), I’ll be really happy for your favor.
Farewell, Mrs.Bauer.(or Susan)
Love, Christi P.