• Finishing the book this month. Need theme music. Where's my theme music? #
  • There's a skink in my office. It keeps popping out from behind books and then disappearing again. Not crazy about the jack-in-the-box act. #
  • Note to self: Wasp spray does not work on really big spiders. #
  • As my last two Tweets reveal, spring has come to the chicken-shed office. #
  • Just turned our little flock of Angora goats out on 2 acres of newly fenced, lush, green forage. They are, naturally, chewing on the fence. #

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Showing 3 comments
  • iona

    …Get on your feet…Get up and make it happen…

  • Melody

    Ah. Goats. I feel your pain.

  • Denschool

    Wow – you are certainly living a different life than we are here in suburbia. It is fun to hear of your adventures!

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