Still alive here, folks. Working on final draft of the next history manuscript. On track to go to my editor at the end of this month.

[wipes mental sweat from brain’s brow]

All the words are going into the book, none onto my blog. More soon….

Showing 3 comments
  • Greg Watson

    I’ve enjoyed your writing in Books & Culture and purchased your ancient history volume yesterday. I look forward to reading it. It really fulfills a need to make ancient history scholarly yet accessible to the general reader. No doubt the medieval history volume and the third installment in the series meet a similar need. I’m glad to be able to support your work, and wish you well in whatever direction you decided to go in writing additional world histories or other writing projects.

  • Heatherlee

    It’s okay. We don’t need it yet :p

  • Denschool

    So have you always had a passion for history? For a long time I did not enjoy it – actually until we started Story of the World. The way you write opens doors that were never before encountered. So no worries – keep up the good work!

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