• Watching a bulldozer clear new pastureland on the farm. (It's a good thing to have cousins who own very large machines.) #
  • Heading for NYC very early in the morning. Meeting editor, hitting Columbia U. library. I love open stacks. #
  • 60 degrees at Richmond airport…45 minute flight…35 degrees at LaGuardia. I have culture shock. #
  • If you liked my Driscoll review, you might enjoy this: http://t.co/yVBeKmva #
  • Tuesday is Edith Wharton's birthday. Celebrate by hooking your wagon to a star: http://t.co/6JEO7s7K #
  • At LaGuardia, waiting for my flight home. Apparently I am returning south just ahead of Snowpocalypse (all three inches of it). #
  • Does ANYONE else want to know exactly when Lennie James will reappear on the Walking Dead? OK, we all have other things to think about… #
  • When your Friday night flight home from LaGuardia is delayed, all sorts of interesting speculations spring to mind as you linger… #

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