- I need a metaphor. What's a thing that draws different things together to make one thing? Answer can't use word "thing." #
- OK, you guys are close, but I need actual THING that draws them together. Like the ring on a spindle that draws strands together into yarn. #
- Editing, this morning. As soon as I'm finished with the Crusades, I can go have a hot bath. The Crusaders probably said the same thing. #
- If the Crusaders could have kicked back at end of day with a glass of red wine & Top Chef, the 13th century would have been a nicer place. #
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Yoke. Wedding. Duct tape. Dementia. Billiard ball rack. Crockpot.
Confluence as a joining of streams, ideas, events. Manifold as joining engine exhaust from the cylinders into one output. Mixing bowl. Couplings as connectors of railway cars.
Hi Susan.
I currently live in Honduras and I recently read your book: History of The Ancient World, which I consider one of the best books I ever read.
I am interested in reading about Hitites, Bactrians and Parthians, therefore I will appreciate your recommendations about some book titles about these topics.
Thank you.