- Making flatbreads. Mushroom and fennel, pepperoni, garlic and white cheese, bacon and egg. #
- From well-reviewed book I'm reading: "The Bible calls Petra a 'rose-red city, half as old as time.'" In the age of Google: unforgivable. #
- Let the light of late afternoon/ shine through chinks in the barn, moving/
up the bales as the sun moves down… # - …Let it come, as it will, and don’t/be afraid. God does not leave us/ comfortless, so let evening come. — Jane Kenyon #
- This has been a deeply weird week. Heading off now to Greenville, SC, where weirdness is likely to poke its head in once again… #
- Oh, look. My connecting flight is delayed. A lot. I am filled with astonishment. #
- Made it to Greenville. Drinking coffee and thinking about the morning's lectures. Also wishing that I weren't losing my voice. #
- One Friday lecture down, two more to go, voice is fading….fading…fading…faa….. #
- DD10, contemplating basketball game: "Why would any girl wear a bikini in front of people and be a cheerleader? I mean, what are they FOR?" #
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