• Just returned DS19 to dorm with stern instructions to rest, eat 3x daily, drink liquids. Following own advice by having lunch on the Mall. #
  • The reverse image of imagophobia is grammatolatry. #
  • Having trouble with a metaphor. Does a trajectory have points on it? You know, like dots that outline the trajectory's path? #
  • I would like to thank my Twitter followers for being so good with metaphors. #
  • Must…write…faster… #
  • I need a synonym for "apocalypse" (because you can only use the word "apocalypse" so many times without losing a sense of, well, THE END). #
  • Slightly alarmed by the delight you're all taking in apocalypse. #
  • I can see the Milky Way, #
  • Sitting at my desk waiting for insights. Come on…any minute now… #
  • This ought to be a cosmic law: Calories consumed because a child fixed them for you & is standing there watching you EAT them don't stick. #
  • In the British Airways lounge at Dulles, waiting to board plane to Paris. DS13 is ecstatic; all the cookies are free. #

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  • Nicole

    So tell us about Paris–in your spare time, of course. And don’t forget the pictures. Have a nice trip!

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