• Do something for your brain this week: come hear us speak in Richmond. Free, no registration, spread the word! http://tinyurl.com/2dt78bu #
  • Writing about Genoa this morning. #
  • Gearing up for tomorrow. We won't be in HEAV program (conference refused to run our ad), so spread the word: http://tinyurl.com/2dt78bu #
  • Back from Richmond conference. THANK YOU! to all who came…especially those who drove from Ohio, Tennessee, New York for 1 day of lectures. #

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  • Deborah

    I am very impressed with your books and after using Abeka for the past 10 years for my older daughter, I am going to use your books this year to teach my son who is 11 years old. I am going to start with book 1 and go through all of them. I was wondering what you used for science? If you would be so kind and share.

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