- Still sitting at kitchen table, trying to finish manuscript. German shepherd still sleeping, border collie in fight to death with pine cone. #
- Will…finish….MS…today. 5 sets of lessons left to go. #
- One down, four to go. #
- Two down, three to go. #
- Three down, two to go. #
- Four down, one to go. I really wish I had some potato chips. #
- Five down! MS finished! Huge milestone for various reasons (blog post coming)! No one around to celebrate with! (No one human, that is.) #
- Having a day off. #
- Discovery of the day: If you call QuickBooks customer support, you get to speak to a very nice man who lives very far away. #
- Doing business emails. Both dogs underneath my chair wrestling. Can’t wait for return of DS12 and DD8 tomorrow/end of Mom’s puppy-sitting. #
- Today: heading to WCVE in Richmond to do interview with Lewis Lapham at radio studio. #
- Advantage of preparing for radio interview: Not fretting about clothing choice. #
- They are home, they are home, they are home! #
- Waiting for the farrier. (Might that be the chorus of a country-western song?) #
- Enrolling Son #2 in driver’s ed. Don’t I get a volume discount? #
- Getting ready to give DS12 and DD8 a riding lesson before it gets so impossibly hot that we all melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. #
- Back in from riding/stall cleaning/dog tending/egg gathering. Have work to do. Don’t wanna. #
- Oh, forget it. I’m classifying this as a DIWANGD (Day In Which Almost Nothing Gets Done). #
- All the windows open this morning; one of the few summers we haven’t felt trapped in the house by heat and damp. #
- Perhaps it’s selfish, but I am NOT waking the kids up until I’ve had all the bacon I want. #
- Ideal: Sunday is day of rest. High point of REAL Sunday: afternoon nap with Oreos and new episodes of Eureka. #
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