Tomorrow morning I’m up at 3 AM to catch a plane for L.A., where I’ll be at Book Expo until Monday, manning the Peace Hill Press booth. (See here for last year’s BookExpo adventure.) At the beginning of this year, my brother and sister-in-law came into the business with me, so they’re coming down from Seattle to meet me there. I’m also taking Christopher, who’s going to man the booth/get food for us/play nanny for my niece Dot/collect give-aways from other publishers’ booths.

Anyway, today I’m running in circles making sure that everything’s done here before I leave. (Pasture fence fixed, galley proofs for Art of the Public Grovel packed so that I can read them on the plane, dry cleaning picked up, cookie jars filled.) Regular updates commencing tomorrow. Stay tuned.

  • Kathy

    O.K. Enough about the cookies, let’s have some recipes! 🙂

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