So I’ve just finished speaking to the very friendly attendees at the Utah Home Educators Association convention.
Talked to a lot of readers, signed a bunch of books.
I promised a few scenes from Salt Lake City, and here are the ones that struck me…
roses (they must like desert air–roses in Virginia don’t look like this),
Salt Lake City’s extraordinarily wide streets,
the headquarters of the LDS church, with the Temple behind it,
the Temple, from the sidewalk outside,
a gate I was not allowed to go through (there were many).
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Great pictures. Were you not able to walk up to the Salt Lake Temple? The grounds around the Temple are open to the public. There should have been a gate for you to go through and you should have been able to walk right up next to the Temple. My kids loved walking up the steps by the the big doors to the original entrance of the Temple and they loved all the flowers there. Sure looks pretty compared to Texas weather right now!
Here’s a fun bit of Utah trivia. Our streets are so wide, because Brigham Young wanted to be able to turn around a team of four oxen and a covered wagon if necessary. So, the next time you’re here, bring your oxen and your covered wagon. We can accomodate them!
Hi, Susan – \
I found your blog through a friend who has you posted on her Favorites. I am living in Salt Lake (originally from VA and NC) and saw that you had posted about visiting here. I didn’t attend the UHEA conference this year (am no longer homeschooling), but I believe I attended some years ago when you spoke. I hated school growing up, but I now am in love with history. I have read “A Child’s History of The World” with my children and love children’s versions of history, because they are more interesting to read than regular textbooks (I read, of course, adult books, too).
Hope you enjoyed your trip!
P.s. (When you finish your series of books on the whole world, I would love to read them!)
I loved your key note and workshop speeches! Thanks for coming to Salt Lake City. I hope you had a good experience here!
Ooooo, how I envy those wide streets! Ennnnvvvyyyyy them! Looks like a beautiful place and a fun trip.
Thank you so much for speaking at the convention, I enjoyed your talks immensely! I’m sorry you couldn’t get into Temple Square; but I agree, it gets confusing trying to find the “open” gates at times.
Yay, I see myself there in the back!
Your keynote and two workshops were just the encouragement I needed. Thanks for coming.
Thanks for coming to Salt Lake. We enjoyed your talks immensely! Hope next time you come you will find those open gates; Temple Square is not to be missed!