Yesterday, two boxes of new books arrived in the same mail delivery. The smaller package was my hot-off-the-press copy of The Art of the Public Grovel, which is now shipping from the Princeton University Press warehouse to booksellers (so it will be a little longer before it actually can be BOUGHT).
I guess it’s wrong to feel satisfied when current events continue to make the book relevant, huh?
The bigger box was from my Spanish publisher, Paidos, by way of the Norton office. The History of the Ancient World has been sold into Korea, Spain, Bulgaria, and Russia (so far–I’m hoping that other foreign publishers will take an interest in the series as it progresses), and the Spanish translations have just come off the press.
Beautiful books.
I thought of you almost immediately upon hearing about Edwards in the news. If only the scandal could have waited a couple more weeks, eh?
Are you doing the whole press-release-and-an-ARC to media folks? If so, I’m willing to bet that your phone will be ringing if Mssrs. McCain and/or Obama put the slightest foot wrong, so to speak.
Glad to see THAT copy of the book finally made it to Virginia! 😉
Indeed! Many heartfelt congratulations!
Yeah, I thought of you too. Did Edwards follow the proper formula for groveling?
Gorgeous books! Yay!
New books ARE beautiful. But then, old books are beautiful too.
I’ve been DYING to ask you (but didn’t know if it would be kosher to do so…) whether you think Edwards has performed his public apology according to specifications. Can you answer?
I don’t know if there is a proper way to ask this, but I’ve been wondering how many of your books are in print (including the foreign-published editions) and how “low” the supply has to get for the publisher to decide to do another printing.
I ordered my copy of your book directly from Princeton Press, and I got it this week. It’s already a fun read, and I’m only up to Grover the Good!
Congratulations! They look great!
I am wondering if the foreign language books (specifically Bulgarian) will be sold in North America. I have a Bulgarian brother in law in North Carolina who might be interested in the history book.
Can you sign my copy when I am finally able to purchase it? 😉
Do they ever do audio books in Russian? I’d love for my husband and MIL to be able to listen…and ultimately my daughter when she’s old enough. We’ve bought Vol. 1 of The Story of the World as an audio book (in English of course). I’m always looking for good bilingual/ Russian options for her.
The cover on the Spanish translation is beautiful. I love the simplicity.