A scientist, a historian, and a minister
reflect on the “evangelical” movement in American Christianity

where it came from,
what it is,
and why it’s a problem.

Thursday, October 4, 2012
Sadler Center, James Room
6:30-8:30 PM

Come join the discussion.


Gregory D. Smith, Associate Professor, Applied Science
Director, Mathematical Biology Initiative
Neuroscience Program Faculty Affiliate
(and more…http://wmpeople.wm.edu/site/page/gdsmit)

Susan Wise Bauer, historian and writer
Research Associate, English Department
Author, The History of the Medieval World (W. W. Norton, 2009)
(and other books…http://susanwisebauer.com)

Peter Bauer, senior minister, Peace Hill Christian Fellowship,
M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia
president of the interdenominational, interracial
Charles City Clergy conference

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