• March snow! #
  • Heading to Oklahoma City on a sunny morning. Feel like there's already a country song about this. #
  • Dear Colts: With all that money you're saving, couldn't you have hired Jim Irsay a speechwriter? #
  • Can't really express the sense of personal loss I feel at this news: http://t.co/zcZokUI0 #
  • Yesterday's sunny morning in Oklahoma has turned into today's 36-degree howling gale. #
  • TSA#1 to TSA#2, post-scanner: "Check her right shoulder." TSA#2: (pats my left shoulder) "She's OK." Question: Point out error? Or run away? #

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  • Marie

    I just purchased The History of The Medieval World and I wanted to thank you. You are an amazing writer. I feel as if I am reading historical fiction because you are a telling a story and adding details that make it all come alive. I look forward to your other books.

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