• Picturesque winter farm scene: Border collie lying on porch, gnawing an enormous lump of frozen-hard manure. Not exactly Currier & Ives. #
  • When I search for "Real Marriage" and "Driscoll", Google pops up an ad for "Divorce in 3 Weeks, $400, By Experienced Virginia Attorney." #

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Showing 3 comments
  • Penelope Gelwicks

    EW!!! Dogs are so funny.

  • Ellen

    At least it’s frozen. Our corgi, Jasper, prefers his horse manure fresh. Perhaps he’s looking for a true, vegetal piquancy.

  • Debra Davis

    Have read 2 of your books in their entirety, i.e., The History of the Ancient World and The History of the Medieval World. They are wonderful! I really don’t see how you can possibly improve upon these writings.

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