• Slept 14 hours after convention ended. Not that it wasn't a good time. #SouthEastHS #
  • Today will be a day of itty bitty planes. #
  • Itty bitty planes were accompanied by itty bitty customer service. #
  • I am home. With a glass of red wine, making homemade pasta filled w/cheese, surrounded by children and dogs, watching a disaster movie. Ahh. #
  • Time to face down my Priority A email box like a woman. #
  • My daughter has hung a rainbow-maker in the kitchen window, and my kitchen is filled with gliding squares of color. (But no unicorns.) #
  • Hyperactive border collie really wants to drink red wine marinating liquid from tonight's flatiron steaks. I kind of want to give it to her. #
  • My Stress-Relief Body Lotion promises to Calm and Relax as it Moisturizes. Suspect it may be past its sell-by date. #
  • Soothing ylang ylang candles not doing the trick either. What's ylang ylang? #
  • Wow. I am learning all sorts of new facts about ylang ylang. #
  • Today, my nothing-but-writing day: Renaissance-era African cities, teaching fifth graders to write biographical sketches, dependent clauses, #
  • "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." #
  • I'm trying to write today, honest, but I'm distracted because I keep waiting to see Rod Serling appear from behind a tree. #
  • I just discovered the island of Mauritius! (Well, technically, the Dutch discovered it in 1598, but now I know where it is too.) #
  • Carbohydrates are natural tranquilizers (she says, heading for the cookie jar). #
  • New post up at the Well-Trained Mind blog: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/reflections-on-education/a-golden-oldie/ #
  • Winner of this year's Diagram Prize for the year's oddest book title: Managing a Dental Practice The Genghis Khan Way, by Michael R. Young. #
  • Just taught DS14 how to make meatloaf. Had a little trouble convincing him that "loaf" means "don't sculpt the meat into intriguing shapes." #
  • DS17 working on college application essay: Write Page 87 of your autobiography and show where you think you'd be. I might write one myself. #
  • So far, I have overslept, missed morning run, broken some dishes, forgotten an appointment. Anne of Green Gables would call it a Jonah day. #

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  • Lit~Lass

    You’ve just made me adore you more than ever by using one of Anne’s expressions!

  • Ellen


    I’ve wondered about ylang ylang, myself; but seems like my curiosity lacked the necessary oomph to prompt any further research.

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