- Christmas Tree Day! #
- Feeling particularly untweety this week. #
- Have been writing all day. Tremendous urge to go eat mac and cheese. Must resist. Alcohol, heck; writers are slaves to the carbs. #
- Seventeen. Degrees. #
- Happy birthday, Mom! #
- DS14 appears to be reading history. However, his eyes aren't actually moving. Suspect he has escaped to secret history-free internal realm. #
- Working on middle-grade writing curriculum at Aromas just off Merchant's Square. Nice tables, nice lights, chatty ambience, snarky service. #
- A couple of hours to relax alone means: disaster movie! What should it be? I Am Legend, 2012, Outbreak? Asteroids, comets, tidal waves, ice? #
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Funny–I never would have thought of you as a Disaster-Movie fan. But then, I can see how they would be a great catharsis: world goes to HE double-hockey-stick in the proverbial handbasket (notably without you) and then reaches suitable Hollywood ending in 2 hours.
If you haven’t heard pastor and marriage speaker Mark Gungor’s take on the differences between men’s and women’s brains, I think you’ll get a kick out of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BxckAMaTDc. (Hilarious.)
Sounds like DS14 was in his “nothing box”!