January evening on the farm; my daughter and my father are fishing in the farm pond, right before sunset.
(My job was to build the fire. I like fire.)
The oldest and the youngest2013-01-102013-01-10https://susanwisebauer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo1.svgSusan Wise Bauerhttps://susanwisebauer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo1.svg200px200px
We’re looking to move out to the country. Nothing huge just a few acres- but images like this REALLY make me antsy to hurry up and get out there! Beautiful!
Bruce Barrett
I am waiting for your third History of the World book. Your first two books were excellent. I look forward to the third!
Nice fire.
Did they catch anything?
I like the fire, too; and the dog.
What a lovely photo. One I’m sure you will treasure always.
Seems like an awesome place to study 🙂
We’re looking to move out to the country. Nothing huge just a few acres- but images like this REALLY make me antsy to hurry up and get out there! Beautiful!
I am waiting for your third History of the World book. Your first two books were excellent. I look forward to the third!
Very similar to the view from my front porch! Bonfires (very large ones), contented dogs, and happy kids fishing are a common sight. Oh so peaceful…
You got the pond done! I’m impressed! Last time I saw it, it was a big hole with equipment!