If you have a blog and you’d like to review the History of the Medieval World, you can get an advance copy…now! Email [email protected] for details.
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hey yo – since that’s the period of my putative expertise, I’d be happy to put a review on my blog, so long as it’s after Jan 1. M x
You got it. But don’t say anything TOO unkind about my non-Byzantine-expertness…some of us HAVE to be generalists to pay the bills…
I have blogs in 2 different places (same content), but mostly I “mommy blog”. If you’re still interested, let me know. 🙂
Me! Pick me! I’d LOVE to review your book. And I promise not to say anything unkind about your non-Byzantine-expertness. Ever.
We would love to…but, implied in your post is the expectation that someone beyond my relatives actually read my blog.