Thanks to the Peace Hill Press team (that would be Justin and Mollie) who came up with THIS brilliant ad for my upcoming middle-grade writing and grammar books and the accompanying creative writing manual.

I suggested the headline. As you can probably tell, I have taught three boys to write.

Showing 4 comments
  • Shout4Joy

    Oh, my! This certainly caught MY eye! This is a great poster, making me more interested in seeing the books!

  • Christine

    I remember doing that! (Ages ago, when I was in the Army.)

    Sadly, it’s not a good comparison. Teaching kids to write, particularly boys, is MUCH harder! (And there is no padding.) Of course, you are trying to sell it as not so much of a battle. . .

    PS My little guys are using your WWE, and loving it. I have high hopes for the rest of the series.

  • Vicki King

    What grade level is the new writing program? When will it be released? Is is a complete grammar/writing program or will we still need a separate grammar program? Thanks for the answers.

  • Amy Graham

    Brutal! And also how I felt getting DS12 to write a creative story from his Rod & Staff lessons this week. Probably how he felt too, though I’m pretty sure it was me getting smacked in the face.

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