This weekend I’m in Cincinnati at the Duke Energy Center, giving eight workshops on writing, literature, and classical education at the Midwest Homeschool Convention. This is a big and very friendly convention, and I’ve decided that I wouldn’t mind living here if I could eat at the French bistro JeanRo and the gastropub Nicholson’s on a regular basis.
There’s an enormous vendor hall here,
and the workshop rooms hold a couple of hundred people each; here’s the right side of my 9:30 AM writing seminar,
and here’s the left side.
The only problem with this convention is that I said I’d do eight workshops. Eight workshops in two days and one evening is proving to be right at the edge of what I can manage.
Hey, I think I’m getting middle-aged.
You know you’re WonderWoman, right? Or Super Woman? Or maybe it’s The Incredible Woman. I can hardly plan dinner!
Very admirable, you are.
If you have time . . .
Izzy’s makes great sandwiches and has the best potato pancakes ever.
The downtown Cincinnati library is glorious.
The Ohio Bookstore is also wonderful. (We usually fit all three of these stops into one day, unless we substitute Skyline chili dogs for the Izzy’s.)
Half Priced Books also has four different stores in the Cincinnati area.
Just think SWB in my favorite city at a homeschool conference and I’m stuck in Japan. Midwesterners never realize how good they’ve got it.
Have a great weekend.
I just got back from the conference! I live in Dayton, Ohio. It was my first time to hear Susan after four years of teaching my children with her work. It was awesome! She is awesome. And my 9 yr. old daughter Clare thinks so, too. Susan autographed Clare’s hand with a marker, and Clare didn’t want to shower in case it rubbed off. Clare said she felt like she just met Gabriella from HSM. The highest compliment!
I’m in that left side picture about 8 rows back! I very much enjoyed the seminar (the importance of educating ourselves).
I was only able to attend Friday but it was very encouraging. I’m planning on being there for the whole convention next year!
The Ohio Bookstore is a true Cincinnati treasure. It’s amazing. I lose myself in there!
My husband and I just got back from the convention. It was as always a thrilling experience to hear your lecture. My husband and I also stumbled upon Nicholson’s last night. Too bad we weren’t there at the same time. We would have bought you a drink. Graeter’s ice cream is also one of a kind.
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work. You are such a wonderful role model for my four daughters. I use The Well Trained mind and History of the World and absolutely love them. They are the backbone of our homeschool. I was able to catch one of your sessions this afternoon. Thanks again!!
Thank you again, Susan, for re-inspiring me! I came up and said thank you right after your last session, but I wanted to say it here as well. I have been using WTM since my oldest child was in kindergarten, and he’s now in 8th grade. I have four kids like you, three boys, one girl. My husband and I heard you first at the Pittsburgh Christian Classical conference several years back, and fell in love with not only your methods, but also with your clear and concise way of communicating as a speaker.
Inevitably, in the middle of each year discouragement sneaks in with the feeling of “I’m not doing this very well”. Today I sat there and could feel a weight of self-imposed guilt coming off of me. I realized again that you don’t have to be a genius or know all the answers to do this. THANK YOU for the encouragement and for your humor!
We would love to have you living here in Cincinnati, too!!
I could very possibly be your number one fan. Thank you for many thankless hours of hard work to bring us the best in history and writing curriculum for our children. After hearing you speak, I think I can do this another year. And I can’t wait to buy the new book!
Thanks again for teaching in Cincinnati. Both my husband and I benefited from what you shared. I especially liked your first seminar, Homeschooling the Second Time, and the one about fostering an independent learner. I also enjoyed the opportunity to meet some WTM folks and get to know you better at lunch with the group–thanks for making time for us! I hope your time in Ohio was as great as mine was.
Wow. I am still digesting the 4 sessions I had the pleasure of hearing you present! You have given me hope and confidence. I told you in person after your last session, but I want to say it again… Thank-you!!!!!!! I teach for the District my children would be enrolled in if they were in public, so I need all the encouragement I can get. I walk a fine line. You have given me wonderful, but concrete ideas that I am beginning to implement even today.
Also, what an amazing role model you are for my daughter Heidi, who heard 3 of your sessions and my son, Joe, who heard you twice.
Hope you get some much deserved rest this week!
Blessings on you and your family.
Thanks, Susan, for signing my stack of books, three high! That really made my day! I made the 8 hour return trip home without denting those corners. That is some kind of miracle! Also, you have no idea the help you were to my husband and I. Your practical advice really gave us a lightbulb moment. Thanks for putting in so much time and effort into the convention. It was appreciated.
Wow!! I did NOT attend the convention, but you ladies have sure fired me up for the Williamsburg conference. I have heard you speak many years ago, Susan, and am SOooooo looking forward to it again. I love your books and have used them for quite awhile. It will be nice to hear you this time, knowing your material better. Thanks you soooo much for having the conference in Williamsburg, my favorite place EVER! I hope you are not too worn out!!!
Susan, as I’m transferring my notes from my 2nd ed. TWTM to my NEW 3rd ed. TWTM, I see that you no longer recommend IEW for high school? Any specific reasons you can share?
See p. 474; you may have missed it.
So, umm….the MassHope Conference? (Of course not this year.) But perhaps next year? Then my husband and I can hug your neck for being awesome and inspiring us to teach our children about the world in which they live. We’re, like, your biggest fans.
Thanks Susan for doing Cincy! I hope you’ll be back again. I learned so much about creating independent learners. You pieced together the missing links. We’re well on our way. Now I just need to learn to juggle one toddler, two “at-the-elbows,” and one “hovering.”
Nicholson’s is Great! Did you get to Gold Star Chili or Skyline? And then there’s Graeter’s Ice Cream. Words fail me.
Teaching eight sessions sounds exhausting, but I’ll have to say that I enjoyed all six that I attended! So much information, but I really appreciated the very practical encouragement that came out of every session. Thanks again for making time in your schedule to meet the WTM’ers for lunch. It was fun!
At the convention you suggested a checklist for each kid and they plan their week accordingly. Tried it this past week and had such a peaceful week! I didn’t have to nag! Thanks so much!
Try protein shakes. I was feeling the effects of turning 42…… Well, we won’t discuss these here, but it’s still safe to say that protein shakes always seem to help me when the energy level sags. I don’t think they’re good for anything else that sags.