Dear readers of this infrequently updated blog,
I’ll be blogging semi-regularly at Psychology Today about personalities of the past. Check it out here:
If you’ve read my History of the World series, you’ll meet a few familiar faces…and you might also get a preview or two of the next volume of history…
By the way, I’m finding that I tend to post the things I used to post here (updates, random thoughts, etc.) on Facebook. So if you haven’t liked my page there, consider going over and doing that now.
Showing 7 comments
Always fascinating that we have this wonderful technology that makes everything distributed but then we tend towards the centralized. I’m not a facebook type of person – too much noise. But thanks for letting us know about Psychology Today!
Read Ancient world and finally have someone who can put it all together for me so I can understand the evolution of mankind. It was that introspective and healing.
Sorry about that, I meant Medieval World.
I have featured Susan’s writings and formed my own opinions on my Facebook page.
The Medieval World is much more than I thought. Simply because there is not enough known or understood about it.
….Till I read this book..
Currently reading your “Renaissance World” entry in your World History series and just wondering if you are working on the next installment and when that might become available. Not to worry, though- I’ve enough books to occupy me until then.