OK, all you workshop-attendees in Texas and Georgia, here is a copy of the overhead I put up at the end of the writing lecture. (For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, you can get the lecture here, and/or read this, and/or buy this. I promised I’d put this on my blog so that people attending my seminar on how to teach writing didn’t have to frantically copy it down.)
Update on the History of the Medieval World coming soon, I promise.
And although I don’t usually say this, here’s a reminder: this information isn’t to be redistributed or reproduced without my permission. If I ever finish writing the History of the Whole World, I plan to produce my own high school rhetoric and composition program. (Translation: don’t hold your breath.)
Texts: Combine these two.
Frank D’Angelo, Composition in the Classical Tradition (any edition; good clear instruction and lousy writing examples)
Edward P. J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student (any edition; instruction is more advanced and more difficult for high school students, but the writing examples are light-years ahead of those in the D’Angelo book.)
Grades 9-11: exercises in technique
Ninth grade:
The narrative
The description
Amplifying a saying
Tenth grade:
Amplifying an anecdote
Eleventh grade:
The enconium (composition of praise)
The invective (composition of blame)
The comparison (combination)
Supporting a thesis using confirmation
Supporting a thesis using refutation.
Grade 12: forms of writing
The response paper
The critical paper
Argument for an interpretation
Biographical analysis
Literary analysis
Argument of fact
Argument of meaning
“Historiography” argument
The research paper
Thanks for the high school rhetoric recs (try and say that 10x fast). This will help me so much! It was also enjoyable reading your “Typical Day” post. Boy, can I relate….
Another thanks for your generosity in continuing to host WTM discussion boards…we chatter boxes love you to pieces as you patiently endure our sometimes whitty, sometimes non-sensical meanderings of conversation.
Blessings, Susan.
Camy (6 boybarians, 1 little lady)
Would this plan take the place of the Rhetoric recs (Rulebook for Arguments and Oxford Guide to Writing) or would this take the place of the writing in R&S/Abeka? Or, both possibly?
Do you know if the progym classes offered by would cover the same info?