• Country ROADS, take me HOME… #
  • Working on medieval Hungary this morning. Kind of waiting for something REALLY interesting to happen that doesn't involve border wars. #
  • Well, blindings and disembowelments are a LITTLE more interesting than border wars, I suppose… #
  • Really struggling with Serbia this morning. Not, I am given to understand, an uncommon experience. #
  • Flipping through CBD catalog that just came to office. First section: "Favorite Authors." Second section: "Favorite Women Authors." Hmm… #
  • DS14 just came in from chores to tell me that he has destroyed all wasp nests in the barn. Also that he has named the barn broom Wasp-Bane. #
  • EWW. This is not an urban legend, either: http://t.co/L1wkb3d #
  • Sometimes I sits and thinks. Sometimes I just sits. This afternoon appears to be one of the latter. #

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