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Just so you know, I'm going to need some really tight, informed, preferably footnoted reasoning to accept ANY further "this is why the Roman empire fell" parallels. ... See MoreSee Less

8 hours ago

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How did this comparison become so popular? It keeps resurfacing. My first memory of it was Pat Buchanan’s rhetoric but it may go back farther. It’s like a default claim to whip out whenever people want to attack the existence of others, maybe because they think it makes them sound smart.

I’ve got alternate empires in mind.

Claims of the current US political system resembling the fall of the Roman Empire seem very popular right now. I disagree with that notion, I believe that we resemble the late Roman Republic, there are a lot of parallels in my opinion. The anxiety of the people is fueling populists who claim they want to save the Republic, but in reality those same populists erode the Republic’s stability and pave the way for autocracy. I’m sorry I don’t have any footnotes or a more in depth response, don’t have as much time to prepare something spur of the moment as I used to. But I’ve had the opinion that we are headed the way of the late Roman Republic since 2016

This is my favorite!! ☠️🫠😂 I’d specifically share why, but I think it is VERBOTEN.

But it’s way easier to throw the Roman Empire around haphazardly;)

I have observed no tunics about, only a few unsupervised lunatics

I’m South African so this doesn’t feel as urgent for us (not to downplay America’s rather central role in global politics). But this has also crossed my mind and I just think it’s interesting that this is a notion we obviously feel at the moment (not implying there aren’t some very sound reasons for such a conclusion). It clearly is a shared emotional response which is itself interesting and probably worth thinking about.

No- silly- it’s best to just continue to repost your favorite people’s unsubstantiated opinions, because how can that go wrong? No facts, stats or research needed.

On Facebook? Good luck with that! Haha

Oh and be sure not to ask questions or for research- that’s social media rude.

I think it’s the only fallen empire people know to name drop! memes?🤔

I see it more as the end of the republic.

I haven’t listened to this yet, so I’m not endorsing it, but Mike Duncan’s The History of Rome podcast was my older son’s passion after he had read The Story of the World four or five times—eternal gratitude to you for awakening his love of history!!! And Know Your Enemy is one of my favorite podcasts. So I have high expectations for this interview.

Matthew 5:5 ❤️

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Amazingly clear weather as we pass over the southern tip of Greenland. The flight attendants are all up in business class ogling the mountains! ... See MoreSee Less

7 days ago

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